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New Vocabulary

-Actually: en realitat
My last name looks German, but actually, it’s Dutch.

-Currently: actualment
I’m currently at the supermarket.

-Device: dispositiu,artefacte
This futuristic device sweeps the floors by itself.

-Driver: controlador
The program will not work because it is missing a driver.

-Improve: millorar
We worked hard to improve this website

-Mice: ratolins(dispositius de control de l’ordinador)
Use the mice to click on the button.

-Out of order: for a d’ordre, desordenat
I dropped my manuscript and now the pages are all out of order.

-Stuff: objectes,coses
What is this stuff over here in the corner?

-Survey: enquesta
This survey was conducted by phone ans asked people’s political opinions.

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